10-12 High Street, East Grinstead, West Sussex, RH19 3AW
Our loyalty card is designed to reward our customers for shopping with us. Whether you shop with us weekly, monthly or once or twice a year, you will earn points for every sale.
Customers will receive a £5 loyalty voucher when they have accumulated enough points, this total is based upon each transaction earning 5% of the amount spent - £100 = one £5 voucher.
The new Herbert Sports Loyalty card will replace the old Intersport Herbert Sports Loyalty card - all customers and current points will be transferred to the new system.
Staff will check and update all your information when you make your next purchase to ensure it is correct.
We are dedicated to selling a wide range of products, from the following brands:
1000 Mile - Adidas - Aftershokz - Aquasphere - Canterbury - Crocs - Dunlop - Fitness Mad - Grays - Gray Nicolls - Gilbert - Gunn&Moore - Harrows - Head - Hey Dude - High5 - Hilly - Hush Puppies - Karakal - Kookaburra - K.Swiss - Masters Golf - Mitre - New Balance - Opro - Optimum - Powerglide - Precision Training - Puma - Readers - RonHill - Saucony - Shock Absorber - Shock Doctor - Skechers - Sorbothane - Speedo - Sport Jock - Superga - Technifibre - Titleist - Ultimate Performance - Under Armour - Urban Fitness - Waboba - Wacky Sox - Wilson - Yonex - Zoggs